Sophie Berger Photography

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Quarantine Photo Challenge: Day 12.

You can follow the whole challenge on my Instagram account here (@sophiemberger).

I wanted to try something new with today’s photo.

The apartment I'm staying in during quarantine has this really cool bar seating area in front of a window, and I liked the way the above perspective looked when resting my camera on the countertop. However, while the image did convey the overall theme and look of that part of the room, it did look a little boring and was missing a clear subject

I decided to give it a 16x9 crop to make the whole scene look more cinematic. That was a step in the right direction, but the last punch was still missing.

This is where split toning comes in. Now I do add split toning to most of my edits actually, precisely because it can make photos look more cinematic and dynamic, however, I really increased the saturation of the split tones in this picture. I really went hard on the teal highlights and the orange shadow colors, and I do believe that the final result above makes for a much more interesting and engaging photo than the original image.

Hope you like it too.