Quarantine Photo Challenge: Day 1.
I’m back!
After spending approximately half a year back home in Austria, I came back to Vancouver yesterday.
After 2 layovers and 18h of flying, I was not looking forward too much to spending the next 14 days in quarantine and self-isolation, not going to lie.
As soon as I stepped into my apartment for this coming period of time, I knew that I was going to have to be more creative than ever. See, I am determined to continue to improve my photography skills, however, I am not allowed to leave my room, which does make things a little challenging. So naturally, I decided to add to this challenge and set myself the goal to create one photo every single day for these 14 days that I was really proud of.
You can follow the whole challenge on my Instagram account here (@sophiemberger).
Day 1.
So it’s 4am and the next day. I am definitely feeling the jet-lag which explains why I went to bed at 8pm and got up at 4am, but nevertheless, I definitely remember trying to think of all of the spots in the apartment I could use for future photos while falling asleep last night.
This first photo however is not from any of these locations, but rather a shot of the North Tower of the building I am staying in. I did not anticipate it to look so gloomy and moody at 4am, and definitely did not expect any other lights to be on in the building!
I chose this as my first photo because I felt that it really illustrated the solitude I was feeling and going to feel during this time. The darkness also perfectly reflects the fact that it was indeed 4am and that I was exhausted after such a long day of traveling. All in all, I thought this shot was able to tell the story of that first day in quarantine the best for me.