Quarantine Photo Challenge: Day 4.

You can follow the whole challenge on my Instagram account here (@sophiemberger).


I’m happy to be able to say that I am slowly getting over my jetlag and getting used to being back in Vancouver!

When I first arrived in this quarantine apartment I had noticed how outdated the kitchen and its appliances looked. I decided that today would be a great day to try and capture that vintage vibe. Yes, this entire apartment is very vintage based on my previous blog post as well…

I decided that I liked this shot the most out of all of the ones I took because I really liked how the 16:9 crop made it look like an old movie scene. Together with the warm edit and white border, I think I did a pretty good job in relaying that feeling I had when I first walked into this kitchen.

However, the lighting was a little harsh, as can be seen on the kettle, since a huge round ceiling lamp was hanging right above. Because of this, there is a little bit of a glare on that kettle, at the same time, however, this also makes the photo look a bit more dynamic.

Let me know what you think down below!

Here are some outtakes:


Quarantine Photo Challenge: Day 5.


Quarantine Photo Challenge: Day 3.