Quarantine Photo Challenge: Day 5.

You can follow the whole challenge on my Instagram account here (@sophiemberger).


So it seems like there is some sort of retro vibe forming amongst the photos I have shot so far during this challenge. I’m definitely not complaining because I was not expecting to be able to create some coherent photo sets at all while locked up in quarantine. I simply wanted one good photo a day, even if they don’t go well together.

So, today’s vintage-themed household shot is the one above and features retro cleaning appliances. What I really like about this shot are the popping blue, red and yellow colors, as well as the unique perspective.

I took multiple shots of this scene actually, cause I knew I could create something interesting out of it, but the first couple of shots had pretty basic perspectives which kind of made the photo boring and random looking. However, this perspective really makes the shot unique and tells more of a story, in my oppinion.

Let’s see if tomorrow’s shot will continue this retro roll I‘m on.


Quarantine Photo Challenge: Day 6.


Quarantine Photo Challenge: Day 4.